Sunday, February 26, 2012

Non-Violence, Jesus, and Keeping it Simple

If you've been to this website before you may have noticed a change. Somewhat recently it was brought to my attention that Jesus didn't go around complaining about the Roman government despite what he knew about it. I believe that Jesus DID NOT rise up in arms against the Romans because Rome, like America, had no soul to burn or redeem. I believe strongly in what I used to teach my clients - that true strength is revealed in CHOOSING SELF CONTROL rather than submitting to the temptation of force. Those who choose to attempt to force their will on others, organizations, and governments are fools since we know that all forces create equal and opposite reactions. At a minimum the act will detract from happiness.

I'd like to state for the PERMANENT RECORD that I abhor violence for a multitude of reasons. One of the worst forms of violence is self-harm and under ZERO circumstance would I ever deliberately harm myself or another. I believe in doing unto others as I would have done unto me - through love.

The scope of the world I am now concerned with is in the realm of personal individuals and not organizations. I will not fight, I will not harm, I will not contribute negative energy. I will love, build, and contribute positivity.

Currently I am VERY excited about spending more time with my family, getting into photography (see below), and celebrating the teachings of Jesus. I am drug free, healthy, eating healthy, and after a year of focusing on self improvement more excited about learning and life than ever.

Letting the past be just that,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jesus Vs. The Churches of Today On Contracts, Law, and Debt

Matthew 5:37
"But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes ' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil."

James 5-12
"But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned."

I think Christ was attempting to teach freedom from contracts over and over so that we can exercise our free will to serve God. I believe that entering contracts is literally a form of idolatry because it forces you to serve something other than God. There are many examples of Christ showing people how to be free of contracts so that they may focus on God by loving one another. Through Christs death our contractual "debt" has literally been "paid" for and is "forgiven". More and more I personally think of Christ as the Bible's libertarian. He didn't do away with the law, he simplified it and paid for our outstanding debts. Today we are total slaves to earthy laws, debt, and contracts. Where are the Churches to remind us of this? In the "land of the free" where we're supposed to have the freedom of speech and religion but most pastors are vanilla, pop message masters who've signed their own contract, the ol' 501(c)(3) for financial purposes. It's sad but true. In effect the pastors of America have agreed to hide the candle, the word/light of God, in exchange for financial security. I don't think the average pastor has any idea this is going on, gratefully God is merciful and forgiving.

Christ's temptation on the mountain was a very simple contractual offering by Satan. Obviously Jesus wouldn't bow to Satan in exchange for power. I believe that this basic dilemma was presented to us as inspiration not to let our yes be more than a yes, to not enter into contracts in an attempt to have something earthly.